

Alyson May 02, 2024 at 01:51 PM

Hello - I am looking for resources to properly price a LinkedIn strategy: 1) rewriting a LinkedIn Corporate Profile 2) Rewriting an Executive's LinkedIn profile 3) Developing a content posting strategy/calendar 4) Writing LinkedIn post copy. I see a lot of pricing guides for social copywriting, but it tends to be Facebook/Reels creation, etc. Does anyone have this priced out on their website, willing to share what they charge (US), or have resources they could share?

Erik Dietrich May 02, 2024 at 03:51 PM

That seems like a good candidate for value pricing. Anyone looking to commission a bunch of social media activity for an exec probably has some kind of hypothesis about the value to the business of 10 or 100-xing that executive's content or profile impressions. If you can get them to talk about what they think that's worth in the discovery process, value pricing becomes pretty straightforward: "if this does indeed lead you to 4 extra sales calls per month and a sales call is worth $20,000 in expected ACV, that means you're talking about $1M in incremental revenue in the first year, so my rate is $50K, which is just 5% of the first year's return."

Alyson May 02, 2024 at 03:55 PM

@Erik Dietrich I love this answer, but the client has typically only gotten business through word of mouth and is starting from the ground up. It would be pretty hard to get him to quantify value - but a good approach to raising my rates later 🙂

Sara Gates May 02, 2024 at 09:11 PM

I’ve done this kind of work several times for different individuals/orgs, and found that it’s one of the few occasions where I believe a (high) hourly rate works best. You can end up spending a LOT of time on project management/followup/scheduling meetings/rescheduling meetings/chasing down feedback when working directly with busy execs. Ideally, you can get to a project fee after the initial strategy and setup for regular post writing or editing, but IMHO it’s very easy to underestimate the time this work will take starting out.