
Has anyone tried using LinkedIn's Employee Advocacy content recommendations feature on their company pages? Wondering if it helps organic reach of content distributed on LI by poking coworkers to share updates?

@Kisha Velazquez I had no idea this was even on there. Great find! Do you know how to use the recommend feature?

Hi @Alessandra Colaci, You can post under the content tab. Right now, it's too early for me to tell how this is different from sharing content under the page and having employees engage or share. I'm not seeing a significant difference in engagement yet, so I'm going to test this and try to raise more awareness about it internally with my team.

Hey @Kisha Velazquez, we tried it out and seems like a good fit for when you want to seed the content for a launch announcement or things like that. We plan to use it for when we want employees to directly post a new features, etc vs sharing a company post.

Love that strategy, @Alessandra Colaci.