
Do social sharing buttons on content actually work?

I remember reading a study about 5 years ago that those things get like 0.05% click through (or some very small number)

As a built-in part of the template, no, not like they used to. On especially important & shareable pieces, I've found an inline CTA to share does work.
What I prefer to do, though, is embed actual social posts of shareable quotes from the piece, like an embedded tweet or Instagram post, and I do notice those get reshared more than a templated share button would. Also helps with engagement on the social profile to have people still interacting with older posts.

Yeah, that's a great suggestion. I've noticed all sports news articles do that. They embed the tweet version sharing that article.

Yeah for the digital product shop I run, my audience is mostly on Insta, so I take any hot takes or quotes, create graphics for them, then embed the IG graphic/post in the blog post, which also takes care of adding visuals!

Do sharing buttons still fire, like, the facebook pixel on page load (not share button click)?
I've always suspected they were just another home for those scripts.

I always use share buttons, then get frustrated with how the data appear on my feed. So I either open a new page to share from scratch or abandon ship. Social share buttons stink.

Thanks for the input everyone, I agree with the results. I've never had any luck with sharing buttons and they just slowed down my pages. 🙂