
Anyone experienced at conversion copywriting? I'm wondering– how you calculate and set expected increase (in CTR, signups, etc)?

Benchmarking for this is hard. I've always struggled to change my targets per customers, service, niche.
Generally, continual improvement with each change is the goal.

@Araminta Robertson is working on this in fintech at the moment!

@Dominic Kent Hmm, I feel like without a goal set,
1) I won't be able to say for sure that my copy is making an impact
2) I won't be able to make a case for future optimizations.
I do have existing numbers (CTR and sign-ups) for the unoptimized website copy so I could estimate higher CTRs as a goal. (Just not sure how much of an increase I should expect 😅)

@Araminta Robertson I'd love to connect with you to pick your brain, if you have the time 😄

Definitely set a goal. I meant finding the "proper" number is hard. My CEO would rather I chose something achievable - instead of picking the highest I can find but it be an outside industry.

Got it. Thanks @Dominic Kent! I'll look into averages but go with an achievable number.