
Any beginner tips for someone who's just launched a Slack community? I love this one and decided to set one up for my specific niche. What are some mistakes to avoid/lessons learnt? @Jimmy Daly (Superpath) 👀

Oh following 👀 We have something similar on our roadmap 🙌

oh where should i start lol

community is a rabbit hole. i've loved learned all about it but it's far deeper than i thought

i thought this article was pretty helpful:

a few takeaways from it:
• density is important. don't try to grow before you've achieved the quality of discourse you're aiming for. you want new members to come in and see good stuff everywhere
• no crickets: make sure every question or thread has answers. if you can't answer it yourself, find someone who can

if someone posts a question and doesn't get an answer they aren't likely to post another one

set opinionated community guidelines

e.g. i've always made a big deal about this slack being kind and supportive. it's an expectation and we've had almost no trolls



Thanks @Jimmy Daly (Superpath), great tips in here. I'll read that post. Did you post in every channel at the beginning? We've got 20 people in our community and it's mostly crickets. Should I be the one who keeps publishing everywhere or should I wait till others engage?

we only had a few channels to start with. that was part of the density strategy, i.e. don't spread discussions out over too many channels before you have lots of people

i did publish a lot, posed questions, ran surveys, etc

Ah good tip. Right now I have way too many channels

Did you publish like every day? Several times a day?

a few times a week to start bc the community was so small