
Anyone here get health insurance through the marketplace? I’m transitioning to freelance and my husband runs a small business. I have access to COBRA but I’m wondering whether it would ultimately be cheaper to get marketplace insurance instead. Curious to hear if anyone has firsthand experience.

I've only done medicaid in between jobs, coverage was better than expected but the marketplace is not easy to navigate and the web infrastructure of
leaves a LOT to be desired
Haha yeah it is not exactly the pinnacle of UX. From what I can tell, I’m better off sticking with COBRA while I have it, even though my premium is going up this year and I have a pretty high deductible. The plans with lower deductibles have premiums that are so high as to offset the savings of the deductible, plus there are ZERO plans with any out of network coverage, and I have some beloved providers who are out of network. What a world!

Insurance is a scam unfortunately, and it's probably kept many a writer from going freelance.