
this channel is for finding SMEs to add expertise to your content or guest posters. no link swaps pls.


Melissa King May 04, 2022 at 07:59 PM

Hello everyone! This one's aimed at people who use SME insights in their articles. I'm writing an article on what business folks can do to write a good HARO answer that's more likely to get used. Can you tell me one best practice they can follow to write you a helpful answer that you'll actually use? (Go ahead and include a link to your website -- I'll link back to you if I use your quote ☺️)

Nneka Otika May 05, 2022 at 02:07 PM

Hi @Melissa King, I typically use SME insights in my articles. The one best practice I'd recommend is not answering the question if its outside your expertise. For example, I had to use HARO to source SME quotes for a client. The question I asked had to do with the limitations of A/B testing on a Wix website. All the answers I got talked about building a website using Wix.

If something is outside your expertise, just leave the question alone.

Meryl D'Sa-Wilson May 05, 2022 at 06:16 PM

Hey Melissa, I second what Nneka said about not answering queries if they are outside your expertise. We respond to quite a few HARO and Help a B2B Writer queries and we choose ones that speak to what we do and have sufficient knowledge about. My tip would be to offer examples and/or case studies when responding to a question. Some questions might garner similar responses from different people. But a real-life example will stand out from the crowd.