
Hey BC pals! Putting some feelers out there for virtual coffee or happy hour over Zoom 👀 I'm also down to meet up in-person sometime, but it's just so much easier to stay at home with my doggo (especially when it is rainy and gloomy). The benefit of this is that every time he barks, you get to see him on camera. Who's in?!

I'm absolutely down!

100% down for a Zoom coffee! @Eric Doty (Superpath) and I have been chatting about an IRL meetup happening mid/late August too 🥳

I'm in!

Woo! I'll send out a Doodle poll today 🙂

aaaaaaand a day turned into a week (classic). Here's the poll, my friends!

Great! Wait, either I'm missing something or there aren't any options to select from yet?

@Matt Freeman @Claire Beveridge @Mike Nesselbeck @Eric Doty (Superpath) it looks like this Thursday (July 4) at 3:00 pm works best for most folks! I'll send a calendar invite right meow — looking forward to connecting with some of you 🙂

Sounds great, I'll be there!

Hey @Eric Doty (Superpath), what's your email for the calendar invite? Want to make sure I have the right one 🙂

Hey all, unfortuntaley I've had an important personal appointment come up from a waitlist I need to take! Won't be able to make it but I look forward to connecting with you all soon 🙂

Hope all is well @Mike Nesselbeck! Hopefully there will be an in-person gathering in August 🙂

Thanks for the fun chat today @Victoria Cowan and @Matt Freeman!

Great chat! Hope we can do it again soon 🙂

Yeah it was great! Let's do it again sometime.