
@here hey everyone! have a free moment? come join us in the Performing a Content Audit for your Blog webinar ⏩
starts in 10 min!
@Georgios Chasiotis has two templates he'll be giving away, one for a content audit and another for forecasting traffic

I'm getting a 404 when I try to join the URL that was sent in the calendar invites

It keeps sending me to the add to calendar page even with that link above

I'm also not able to enter 😞

I'm in!

oop I spoke too soon, I'm in too!

Should be working now

anyone else having trouble getting in?

oops missed this one - do we get access to the recording and templates @Jimmy Daly (Superpath)?

emailing them in a min 🙂

These webinars have been absolute gold lately. I know you guys usually do several announcement for them in advance, but is there also maybe a page on superpath or somewhere for upcoming events that I can bookmark to stay on top of these?

not at the moment @David Ramos but we need one