wiki → <https://superpath.slite.page/p/pWUHWP9oArnwzv/Superpath-Slack-Community>

Hi all! I’m Seth, currently working as the content marketing manager at Polywork (my first startup experience). Previously at Pluralsight and did some in-house creative studio and PR stuff before that. Trying to Substack in the side but nearly impossible with an almost-2-year-old toddler😅 Excited to learn and share ideas with y’all!

Just joined Polywork and am really digging the site!

@Jake Woehlke That’s awesome! Any content you feel would have been helpful/would be helpful to have as a new user on the platform?

@Seth Merrill I think it’s a pretty intuitive site as it stands now, but the one thing I could think of may be some ongoing content series highlighting folks on the platform and how they’re using Polywork over other more “traditional” networks to get work and collaborate with others. Sorta like an encouragement to really dive into the platform and use it

Ah that’s awesome—we have a series like that in the works so that’s very validating to hear☺️

That’s great; thanks!