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Elysia Mann July 31, 2024 at 10:32 PM

hey all, i've haven't been in here in a while, but wanting to get back involved, so making my intro again.

My name is Elysia and i live in Portland OR, but an east coaster at heart always!

I run marketing at Duckbill, an executive assistant for your personal life, led by expert humans and enhanced with AI superpowers. We're trying to get our app in all of the hands of people who would love it, so please join our waitlist if you're interested! I'm happy to bump you off if you DM me too (and can share a code to get 50% off but figured that's not allowed in this forum 🙃)

I'm always looking for partners for growth, so if you run that part of your biz, please reach out to me! looking forward to connecting with more of you.

Eric Doty (Superpath) July 31, 2024 at 10:45 PM

welcome back!