
How *you* can go from idea to implementation


Nityesh Agarwal October 18, 2019 at 09:44 PM

"Difficulties with self-learning and some systems to solve them" - https://www.buildtolearn.club/post/difficulties-with-self-learning-and-some-systems-to-solve-them

This is my latest article where I aim to address the very serious and neglected problem of motivation that self-learners face. Check it out and let me know here! 😃

Cheska Picache July 28, 2020 at 11:21 PM

I read this article and it led me to this group! It was so timely because I’m taking a Data Science course “for beginners” online (and I have absolutely no background whatsoever in anything computer-related) and I’m finding it so hard to keep up. I’m going to start exploring some projects I could do while learning. Thank you for your tips! ☺️